Dr. Todd Bogos is a Chiropractic Physician practicing at NowCare. After completing his undergraduate studies at Salisbury State University and Stockton State College, he received his Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic from Life University, School of Chiropractic. Dr. Bogos also received a diploma in Chiropractic Physio-Therapeutics from National College of Chiropractic with a focus on management of patients with serious injuries and the use of modalities in the chiropractic office. He is also certified in the Essentials of MRI.
He completed his outpatient residency in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. He also studied Athletic Training while at Salisbury State University, where he received his Athletic Coaching Certification. During his coaching training he took his Little League team to two consecutive championships. Dr. Bogos has held the position of Team Chiropractor for the Professional Baseball Organization, the Atlantic City Surf.
Dr. Bogos specializes in a remarkable, non-surgical, non-epidural, drug-free treatment of disc conditions, stenosis, and chronic neck and back pain, known as Disc Decompression Therapy. He also conservatively treats migraine headaches, neck and arm pain, acute and chronic injuries, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Throughout his 24 year career, Dr. Bogos has had an active interest in improved function and health. In his practice he has emphasized the need to see the back and joint patient as a whole person with lifestyle, nutritional, and stress factors as important components in successful care. He works closely with the medical community and feels that medicine and chiropractic offer patients complementary care for spinal conditions.