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Passive Therapeutic Modalities

Although the emphasis of a good back rehab program is returning to function and activity while learning to control the symptoms of low back pain, there are instances where the use of “passive modalities” is indicated. In most cases, passive modalities should be used in conjunction with other, more active forms of therapy during treatment. Modalities can be utilized early in the course of  therapy care to help control pain. However, as the  therapy program progresses, the focus should move away from the use of modalities and include a progressive increase in activity and exercise and instruction in self-treatment techniques.

hotwaterbottlePassive modalities are described as the application of some form of cold, heat, or electricity to the body to assist in pain management. These modalities are referred to as “passive,” as the recipient does not have to actively participate. The modality is applied while the patient is at rest. The most common forms of heat include moist hot packs and ultrasound. Cold treatments, or cryotherapy, can be used to minimize pain as well. This can be administered in the form of cold packs and ice massage to the low back. Fluoromethane is a spray that can also be applied to the skin by the therapist, and is usually followed by a series of therapist-assisted stretches.

Electric stimulation can also be used to control pain. Some specific types include TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) and microcurrent. In cases where TENS has been found to be helpful in controlling pain, especially chronic pain, a portable TENS unit can be obtained for home use.


Pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit chiropractors. Chiropractors help patients achieve pain relief through a variety of treatment methods, including passive therapeutic modalities. Passive therapeutic modalities are treatments that do not require active participation from the patient. Instead, the chiropractor administers the treatment to the patient, providing them with relief from pain and discomfort. Now Care Pain Relief specializes in providing patients with passive therapeutic modalities that are effective, safe, and non-invasive. In this article, we will discuss two of the most commonly used passive therapeutic modalities offered by Now Care Pain Relief – heat and cold therapy and electric muscle stimulation (EMS).

Heat and Cold Therapy

Heat and cold therapy are two passive therapeutic modalities that have been used for centuries to relieve pain and discomfort. Heat therapy involves the application of heat to a specific area of the body, while cold therapy involves the application of cold to the affected area. Now Care Pain Relief uses both of these modalities to help patients achieve pain relief.

Heat therapy is commonly used to relax muscles, increase circulation, and reduce pain and stiffness. When heat is applied to a specific area of the body, the blood vessels in that area dilate, increasing blood flow and promoting healing. Heat therapy is especially effective in treating conditions such as arthritis, muscle spasms, and chronic pain.

Cold therapy, on the other hand, is used to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain. When cold is applied to a specific area of the body, the blood vessels in that area constrict, reducing blood flow and decreasing inflammation. Cold therapy is especially effective in treating acute injuries, such as sprains and strains.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use a variety of heat and cold therapy techniques, including hot packs, cold packs, and contrast therapy. Contrast therapy involves alternating between hot and cold therapy to provide both the benefits of heat and cold therapy.

Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) is another commonly used passive therapeutic modality offered by Now Care Pain Relief. EMS involves the use of an electrical current to stimulate the muscles and promote healing. The electrical current is applied to the affected area using electrodes placed on the skin.

EMS is especially effective in treating muscle spasms, inflammation, and pain. The electrical current stimulates the muscles, improving blood flow and promoting healing. EMS can also be used to help improve muscle strength and tone.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use a variety of EMS techniques, including transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). TENS involves the use of a low-voltage electrical current to stimulate the nerves and provide pain relief. NMES, on the other hand, involves the use of a higher-voltage electrical current to stimulate the muscles and improve strength and tone.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a passive therapeutic modality that uses high-frequency sound waves to provide pain relief and promote healing. During an ultrasound therapy session, a small device called a transducer is placed on the skin of the affected area. The transducer emits high-frequency sound waves that penetrate deep into the tissue, producing a warming effect. This warming effect helps to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Ultrasound therapy is especially effective in treating conditions such as tendonitis, bursitis, and muscle strains. It can also be used to treat conditions that affect the joints, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest ultrasound therapy equipment to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a passive therapeutic modality that uses a low-voltage electrical current to provide pain relief. During a TENS session, electrodes are placed on the skin of the affected area. The electrodes are connected to a small device that delivers a low-voltage electrical current to the affected area.

TENS works by stimulating the nerves in the affected area, which helps to block pain signals from reaching the brain. This can provide immediate relief from pain and discomfort. TENS can also be used to promote healing by increasing blood flow to the affected area.

TENS is especially effective in treating conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. It can also be used to treat acute injuries such as sprains and strains.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest TENS equipment to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Mechanical Traction Therapy

Mechanical traction therapy is a passive therapeutic modality that involves the use of a traction table or machine to stretch and mobilize the spine. The goal of mechanical traction therapy is to reduce pressure on the spinal discs, which can help to alleviate pain and promote healing.

During a mechanical traction therapy session, the patient lies down on a traction table or machine. The table or machine then applies a gentle pulling force to the spine, which helps to create space between the spinal discs. This can help to alleviate pressure on the nerves in the spine, reducing pain and discomfort.

Mechanical traction therapy is especially effective in treating conditions such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica. It can also be used to treat conditions that affect the neck, such as cervical radiculopathy.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest mechanical traction therapy equipment to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.


Hydrotherapy is a passive therapeutic modality that involves the use of water to provide pain relief and promote healing. During a hydrotherapy session, the patient is immersed in water that is heated to a specific temperature. The water temperature and pressure can be adjusted to provide a customized treatment that meets the patient’s needs.

Hydrotherapy works by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. The warm water also helps to relax the muscles, which can provide immediate relief from pain and discomfort.

Hydrotherapy is especially effective in treating conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain. It can also be used to treat acute injuries such as sprains and strains.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a variety of hydrotherapy treatments, including whirlpool baths and underwater massage. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a passive therapeutic modality that involves the manipulation of soft tissue to improve circulation, relieve tension, and promote relaxation. During a massage therapy session, the therapist uses various techniques, such as kneading, rubbing, and tapping, to apply pressure to the muscles and soft tissues of the body.

Massage therapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and stress. It can also help to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a variety of massage therapy techniques, including Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sports massage. Our experienced massage therapists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a passive therapeutic modality that focuses on the release of trigger points, which are areas of tightness or knots in the muscles. These trigger points can cause pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion.

During a trigger point therapy session, the therapist applies pressure to the trigger points using their fingers, elbows, or specialized tools. This pressure helps to release the tension in the muscles and promote healing.

Trigger point therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including tension headaches, fibromyalgia, and back pain. It can also be used to improve range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest techniques and equipment to provide effective trigger point therapy. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body. These points, known as acupoints, are believed to correspond to different organs and functions of the body. By stimulating these points, acupuncture can help to restore balance and promote healing.

Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, arthritis, and stress. It can also help to improve immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer acupuncture as part of our comprehensive approach to pain management. Our experienced acupuncturists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a technique that is similar to acupuncture but focuses on the release of trigger points in the muscles. During a dry needling session, the therapist inserts thin, sterile needles into the trigger points to release tension and promote healing.

Dry needling can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, and muscle tightness. It can also be used to improve range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest techniques and equipment to provide safe and effective dry needling therapy. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a non-invasive manual therapy technique that uses specially designed tools to improve range of motion and enhance healing. During an IASTM session, our trained chiropractors use a variety of tools to detect and treat soft tissue restrictions and scar tissue.

IASTM can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including neck pain, back pain, and headaches. It can also be used to improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest IASTM techniques and equipment to provide safe and effective therapy. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping is a technique that involves the application of a specialized tape to the skin to support muscles and joints and improve circulation. The tape is designed to mimic the elasticity of the skin and muscles, allowing for a full range of motion.

Kinesiology Taping can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including shoulder pain, knee pain, and ankle sprains. It can also be used to improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we use the latest Kinesiology Taping techniques and equipment to provide safe and effective therapy. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises are an effective way to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. Regular stretching can help increase blood flow to your muscles, reduce muscle soreness, and improve your range of motion.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a variety of stretching exercises tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized stretching routine that addresses your unique muscle imbalances, weaknesses, and limitations.

Stretching exercises can be done on your own or with the help of a trained professional. Our chiropractors can guide you through proper stretching techniques to ensure you are doing them correctly and safely.

Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises

Range of motion (ROM) exercises are designed to improve the flexibility of your joints, muscles, and connective tissues. These exercises can be done passively or actively and are particularly useful for individuals who have experienced joint or muscle stiffness.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a range of ROM exercises that can help improve your flexibility and mobility. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to develop a personalized ROM exercise routine that addresses your unique needs and limitations.

ROM exercises can be done at home or in our clinic. Our chiropractors can guide you through proper techniques to ensure you are doing them safely and effectively.

Joint Mobilization Techniques

Joint mobilization is a passive therapeutic modality that involves gentle movements of a joint by a trained professional. This technique is used to improve joint function, reduce pain, and increase range of motion.

At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a variety of joint mobilization techniques tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our experienced chiropractors will work with you to determine the best course of treatment based on your individual condition.

Joint mobilization can be done on any joint in the body, including the spine, hips, shoulders, knees, and ankles. The technique involves applying gentle pressure to the joint, which helps to improve joint movement and flexibility.

Benefits of Joint Mobilization Techniques

There are numerous benefits to joint mobilization techniques. Some of the most significant benefits include:

  1. Pain Reduction – Joint mobilization can help reduce pain by improving joint function and reducing inflammation.
  1. Improved Range of Motion – Joint mobilization can help increase the range of motion of a joint, which can improve flexibility and movement.
  1. Improved Function – Joint mobilization can improve joint function, which can help you perform everyday activities with greater ease.
  1. Non-Invasive – Joint mobilization is a non-invasive technique that does not require surgery or medication.

Joint pain can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be. At Now Care Pain Relief, we offer a variety of passive therapeutic modalities to help you improve joint function and reduce pain. Our joint mobilization techniques are safe, effective, and non-invasive, making them an excellent option for individuals seeking pain relief without surgery or medication. If you’re experiencing joint pain or discomfort, schedule an appointment with us today and experience the benefits of our joint mobilization techniques for yourself.